What time the sun rises and sets 16 July 2025 in London
later by 01:14
eariler by 01:02
16 July 2025 in the London will last 16:11h . Depending on the season, the length of the day London can vary considerably, as the days are longer in summer and shorter in winter. 16 July 2025 begins in London at 06:00 in the morning and ends at 22:12, making a total of 16:11h . Time to nearest sunset: 3827 hours i 56 minutes
Time to nearest sunset: 3827 hours i 56 minutes. 16 July 2025 in the London lasts: 16:11h . The night, on the other hand, shall last 07: 48h. Day constitutes 67 of the entire day, while night constitutes 33.
Day | Twilight | Sunrise | Sunset | Zmierzch | Day length |
01-07-2025 | 05:00 | 05:45 | 22:23 | 23:08 | 17:37 |
02-07-2025 | 05:01 | 05:46 | 22:22 | 23:07 | 17:36 |
03-07-2025 | 05:02 | 05:47 | 22:22 | 23:07 | 17:35 |
04-07-2025 | 05:03 | 05:48 | 22:21 | 23:06 | 17:33 |
05-07-2025 | 05:04 | 05:48 | 22:21 | 23:05 | 17:32 |
06-07-2025 | 05:05 | 05:49 | 22:20 | 23:05 | 17:31 |
07-07-2025 | 05:06 | 05:50 | 22:20 | 23:04 | 17:29 |
08-07-2025 | 05:07 | 05:51 | 22:19 | 23:03 | 17:27 |
09-07-2025 | 05:09 | 05:52 | 22:18 | 23:02 | 17:26 |
10-07-2025 | 05:10 | 05:53 | 22:18 | 23:01 | 17:24 |
11-07-2025 | 05:11 | 05:54 | 22:17 | 23:00 | 17:22 |
12-07-2025 | 05:12 | 05:55 | 22:16 | 22:59 | 17:20 |
13-07-2025 | 05:14 | 05:57 | 22:15 | 22:58 | 17:18 |
14-07-2025 | 05:15 | 05:58 | 22:14 | 22:57 | 17:16 |
15-07-2025 | 05:17 | 05:59 | 22:13 | 22:56 | 17:14 |
16-07-2025 | 05:18 | 06:00 | 22:12 | 22:54 | 17:11 |
17-07-2025 | 05:19 | 06:01 | 22:11 | 22:53 | 17:09 |
18-07-2025 | 05:21 | 06:03 | 22:10 | 22:52 | 17:07 |
19-07-2025 | 05:22 | 06:04 | 22:09 | 22:50 | 17:04 |
20-07-2025 | 05:24 | 06:05 | 22:08 | 22:49 | 17:02 |
21-07-2025 | 05:26 | 06:07 | 22:06 | 22:47 | 16:59 |
22-07-2025 | 05:27 | 06:08 | 22:05 | 22:46 | 16:57 |
23-07-2025 | 05:29 | 06:09 | 22:04 | 22:44 | 16:54 |
24-07-2025 | 05:30 | 06:11 | 22:02 | 22:43 | 16:51 |
25-07-2025 | 05:32 | 06:12 | 22:01 | 22:41 | 16:48 |
26-07-2025 | 05:34 | 06:14 | 22:00 | 22:39 | 16:45 |
27-07-2025 | 05:35 | 06:15 | 21:58 | 22:38 | 16:42 |
28-07-2025 | 05:37 | 06:17 | 21:57 | 22:36 | 16:40 |
29-07-2025 | 05:39 | 06:18 | 21:55 | 22:34 | 16:37 |
30-07-2025 | 05:41 | 06:20 | 21:53 | 22:32 | 16:33 |
31-07-2025 | 05:42 | 06:21 | 21:52 | 22:31 | 16:30 |
Average | 05:19 | 06:01 | 22:10 | 22:52 | 17:09 |
Interesting facts about the city London
City London lies in the region London, City of.
Population in the city London totals: 11262000 people.