What time the sun rises and sets 1 July 2025 in London
later by 00:41
eariler by 00:18
1 July 2025 in the London will last 16:37h . Depending on the season, the length of the day London can vary considerably, as the days are longer in summer and shorter in winter. 1 July 2025 begins in London at 05:45 in the morning and ends at 22:23, making a total of 16:37h . Time to nearest sunset: 3467 hours i 27 minutes
Time to nearest sunset: 3467 hours i 27 minutes. 1 July 2025 in the London lasts: 16:37h . The night, on the other hand, shall last 07: 22h. Day constitutes 69 of the entire day, while night constitutes 31.
Day | Twilight | Sunrise | Sunset | Zmierzch | Day length |
16-06-2025 | 04:55 | 05:40 | 22:22 | 23:07 | 17:41 |
17-06-2025 | 04:55 | 05:40 | 22:22 | 23:08 | 17:42 |
18-06-2025 | 04:55 | 05:40 | 22:22 | 23:08 | 17:42 |
19-06-2025 | 04:55 | 05:40 | 22:23 | 23:08 | 17:42 |
20-06-2025 | 04:55 | 05:40 | 22:23 | 23:09 | 17:42 |
21-06-2025 | 04:55 | 05:40 | 22:23 | 23:09 | 17:42 |
22-06-2025 | 04:55 | 05:41 | 22:23 | 23:09 | 17:42 |
23-06-2025 | 04:56 | 05:41 | 22:24 | 23:09 | 17:42 |
24-06-2025 | 04:56 | 05:41 | 22:24 | 23:09 | 17:42 |
25-06-2025 | 04:56 | 05:42 | 22:24 | 23:09 | 17:41 |
26-06-2025 | 04:57 | 05:42 | 22:24 | 23:09 | 17:41 |
27-06-2025 | 04:58 | 05:43 | 22:24 | 23:09 | 17:40 |
28-06-2025 | 04:58 | 05:43 | 22:23 | 23:09 | 17:40 |
29-06-2025 | 04:59 | 05:44 | 22:23 | 23:08 | 17:39 |
30-06-2025 | 05:00 | 05:45 | 22:23 | 23:08 | 17:38 |
01-07-2025 | 05:00 | 05:45 | 22:23 | 23:08 | 17:37 |
02-07-2025 | 05:01 | 05:46 | 22:22 | 23:07 | 17:36 |
03-07-2025 | 05:02 | 05:47 | 22:22 | 23:07 | 17:35 |
04-07-2025 | 05:03 | 05:48 | 22:21 | 23:06 | 17:33 |
05-07-2025 | 05:04 | 05:48 | 22:21 | 23:05 | 17:32 |
06-07-2025 | 05:05 | 05:49 | 22:20 | 23:05 | 17:31 |
07-07-2025 | 05:06 | 05:50 | 22:20 | 23:04 | 17:29 |
08-07-2025 | 05:07 | 05:51 | 22:19 | 23:03 | 17:27 |
09-07-2025 | 05:09 | 05:52 | 22:18 | 23:02 | 17:26 |
10-07-2025 | 05:10 | 05:53 | 22:18 | 23:01 | 17:24 |
11-07-2025 | 05:11 | 05:54 | 22:17 | 23:00 | 17:22 |
12-07-2025 | 05:12 | 05:55 | 22:16 | 22:59 | 17:20 |
13-07-2025 | 05:14 | 05:57 | 22:15 | 22:58 | 17:18 |
14-07-2025 | 05:15 | 05:58 | 22:14 | 22:57 | 17:16 |
15-07-2025 | 05:17 | 05:59 | 22:13 | 22:56 | 17:14 |
16-07-2025 | 05:18 | 06:00 | 22:12 | 22:54 | 17:11 |
Average | 05:02 | 05:47 | 22:21 | 23:05 | 17:33 |
Interesting facts about the city London
City London lies in the region London, City of.
Population in the city London totals: 11262000 people.